I have known Madhuri Bhaduri for more than three decades. During the formative decades of the 80’s and 90’s, Madhuri had exhibited at the Cymroza Art Gallery and later in 2007 she contributed her work for the Cancer Patients Aid Association fund- raising exhibition. Madhuri’s artistic inclinations and aptitudes were evident from the beginning when she had her first solo exhibition in 1986 in Pune. This was followed in the subsequent years by other successful exhibitions. Though Madhuri grew up as an ardent badminton player, she successfully also earned her degree in Economics, and later completed her Masters of Art in Painting from SNDT, Mumbai.
Madhuri feels that her artistic expressions brought her closer to God. When she paints, her calm serenity is reflected in the manifest ways that she applies her brush strokes. However her depictions of Lord Ganesha in bright reds and oranges, in different shapes and sizes, portraying his varied moods and avatars, are at times a bold departure in her medium.
Her repertoire encompasses the phases of inspiration she has obtained over three decades of her professional career. Madhuri rightly says “My paintings are reflective of what one is thinking and not just what one is seeing”.
Madhuri’s canvases bring out the beauty of her work in every possible hue, tone and shade. She speaks with her brush and formulates her many experimentations on space, flora and fauna, figures including nude studies, landscapes and seascapes, rooftops, and abstract elements to a well-rounded presentation. She focuses for hours with her favourite medium which is oil, and her canvases are swathes of colour, line and figure, defining either light, water, shadow, or sun, moon, and clouds, starting from the centre and spreading evenly over the surface. Image 2 -landscape
Madhuri’s prolific travels have helped her paintings become the substance of dreams and memories.