Colours of course are related to emotions so as in it has to do with your current state of mind while you are actually executing the work so I would say that like you would say that white is dispersion of light and sublime blue is cool so it also depends on the state of mood that I am in…you know you have certain favourites which you like to keep going back to but for artists more it is more of experimenting with different shades so once I am let’s say in a particular zone- I am using a certain kind of warm colours or am using cool colours and then of course as a person you want to change so you then experiment with another shade, this is the kind of sequence that keeps playing in your subconscious which you try to bring out, it is with every moment that you rejoice the colours that you’re using on the canvas. Painting for me is an emotional response on canvas. The subject is the starting point of the whole experience the colours that I choose seem to spontaneously convey the mood and become my tools to mould into whatever form, texture and composition I choose. The play of light and dark act like the expressions of my thoughts innermost recesses of my mind. The mood sets in slowly after a couple of hours of starting a canvas and later takes on and I forget myself in it. It’s like a meditative process. Not all canvasses are successful. At times when its satisfying then I want to work endlessly and at times when it is difficult that’s when I decide to stop and try again the next day. Feelings find an expression on canvas and these out bursts actually make me feel extremely relaxed after my work. It resolves my restlessness and anxiety and is extremely calming.